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How Bowfishing Helps the Ecosystem


Have you seen a highly customized boat on the water with multiple anglers holding bows staring into the water? Wondered what the orange glow on the horizon is at night on the river or lake?

Heard stories and rumors about the cruelty involved with bowfishing?

Allow me to answer some of these questions with facts!

Every year more native species are threatened by invasive fish introduced into waterways accidentally or without foresight to how much they could spread and threaten native species.

A few good examples of this are the Maryland Blue catfish and Northern Snakehead. Both these species are taking over local rivers and bays on a massive scale that no one can control.

Bowfishing allows these species to be targeted with a higher success rate as opposed to a single angler fishing with conventional fishing gear, this is a great way to help slow the spread of these species and keep the numbers in check.

How its Done

Bowfishing usually involves a bow equipped with a bowfishing reel system allowing the angler to shoot and retrieve. Some prefer to fish in the daytime, walking along banks or docks, or fishing from boats, however greater number prefer nighttime fishing off a boat equipped with floodlights to Illuminate the water, making it easier to see and identify the targeted species.

Responsible Bowfishing

We all know in any industry or activity it only takes one irresponsible action or one irresponsible company or individual to ruin it for everyone, the same is true for bowfishing.

Most angler will utilize their catch: we all love a good fish fry!

Many people assume the fish are just wasted, mostly this is incorrect.

Responsible anglers also properly dispose of the catch or harvest in accordance with the local laws and regulations. Fish harvested are normally quickly killed, processed or put on ice to be processed at a later time.

Many people also assume this is too easy, the fish don't have a fair chance as opposed to conventional gear; I challenge anyone who thinks this to give it a try, you may rethink that!

When it is done responsibly and courteously, Bowfishing is a great activity to experience!

Make sure you have the proper licenses and know how to identify which species you can shoot,

or hire a local guide or charter to introduce you to the world of bowfishing!

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